Monday, February 27, 2012

Bacon Mushroom Swiss Burger!

I've seriously slacked at cooking lately. But my mojo is back. These Burgers were AMAZING, and easy to make.

You can easily put your own spin on it but I mixed 2 lbs burger with minced garlic, worcestershire sauce  (did I spell that right?!?), salt, pepper, onion flakes in a bowl & pattied up 8 burgers. Next time I'll only do 6 so they are just a tad bit bigger. Throw them on the grill & let them cook.

Meanwhile work on your condiments...
I got to break out the new knives for this. It was exciting. Really exciting. So exciting that I ran into the living room to tell the husband how great the knives were. And I managed to use the new sharp knives without cutting myself....that's a real plus.

And saute your mushrooms, make your bacon (I forgot a pic of the yumminess there!)

Arrange your toppings, burger, cheese, mushrooms & bacon slices on bun and TADA....
It was sooooo good & without the cheese & tomato it was Monster friendly so he enjoyed it along side us.

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