Saturday, January 3, 2015

Simply Elegant Chaos

Best description of my life.

Just wrapped up a study with a lovely group of women about using more wisdom in committing my time and am ready to  start 2015 off with a plan.

Here are the goals, most of which I have a plan in place to make happen & I can share those later.

(These are listed in no particular  order  but numbered so you know how crazy it sounds to accomplish  this much in a year)

1. increase my closeness to God.

2. Write more. Blogs. Journals. A book, or 4? I love writing and I haven't put it high enough up.

3. Be a better wife. And mom. And friend. And stranger. ... Be a better person.

4. Keep my house in order. Haha, this is kind of a joke :) I actually have started using the confident mom planner & following her tasks for the day, though.

5. Finish my started projects.

6. Open  an etsy shop.

7. Pay off my debts. (Just finished up Financial  Peace University  too, so that's in motion)

8. Make the community aware of & love more those who suffer from or are affected by depression,  ptsd and suicide.
9. My health. Fix it. Make it better. No more lazy

10. My appearances. Painting my nails, fixing my hair, doing my makeup...heck I may even try to not wear Jammies out of the house (nah, that's a joke too. I like my Jammies & will continue  wearing them all over.)

11. Monthly date nights, planned by me. (So we can do what I want?? Nah, because  my husband works hard & I want time alone with him trying new things & he doesn't have time to research & plan)

12. Weekly family dinner (Friday  nights) open to kids' friends if they so choose. And likely ending up as weekly game nights....maybe if we do them more often my eye will twitch less when we play spoons?

13. Cook more. Spend less. I'm probably  sacrificing the garden this year, but still  trying to cut the budget.

14. Stay happy. It's not about the current circumstances,  but about what is beyond them. That was a hard lesson from 2014.

That's. All I can think of off the top of my head, I have a work list of goals too, but that seems like it could  be a subject of its own for another day.

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