Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The search for capers....

I see this listed as recipe ingredients sometimes & usually just ignore it because I sure as hell don't know what they are.
I've never seen such a thing in my grocery store that has 5 shelving rows. They don't carry no fancy stuff.

But alas, I found a recipe I really wanted to try. A recipe with very few ingredients, and of course one of those few ingredients was Capers. I contemplated leaving them out. But figuring that there were only 4 things on the list, I thought they may actually play a part in the taste of this dish.

So I sit at work, I ask if the other girl has ever bought Capers. No she hasn't, but she has eaten them (one step farther than I have been!!) and liked them (score!!). We discuss that they are a plant seed (I found that on wikipedia thank you very much) and try figuring out what grocery store would carry them & where they are in the store.

I go to a certain store, I happen to be looking for something else in the condiments aisle. Lo & behold, there it is beaming down on me, a jar of Capers. They were next to the olives.

Ok, on to the yummy stuff.

Chicken Piccata

1) 2 -3 Boneless skinless chicken breasts cut to bitesize pieces, dusted in flour (which I mixed salt & pepper in first) and pan fried

Add to skillet

2) 4 cups chicken stock

3) 1/2 cup lemon juice

4) 1-2 Tbs Capers!!!

Simmer over med-high heat for about 20 minutes. Sauce will thicken from the flour on the chicken. For a bit sharper taste add 1/2 C butter when done simmering. Serve with Mashed tators. Real mashed tators. Not the instant stuff (come on now, boiling tators & mixing them really isn't anymore time consuming than the fake stuff!!)

And because I forgot I had pics while I was typing this here is the eyecandy (starting with my REAL potatoes boiling!):

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