Why I love my birthday this year....
1) I'm still not 30. One more year....and those that know me well know this is a big anxiety cause for me. I'll embrace it when it comes, but I am LOVING my 20s & not ready to end that yet!
2) FaceBook "Happy Birthday" posts...lots of 'em :-)
3) Texts of love....several :-)
4) Sleeping in!!
5) Cake for lunch (chocolate of course!)
6) My biology professor responded to my email & changed my grade on an assignment. I have a 100% in that class now (as opposed to a 99.3% LoL)
7) Pillow Fights with the Littles
8) Nap with the littles
9) Being woken up from nap by the big kids (who are at their dad's tonight) with a card & a balloon in their hands :-)
10) D-man is coming home tonight.
11) The anticipation of more cake & coffee for dinner ;-)
Monday, January 28, 2013
Saturday, January 26, 2013
I should be doing homework, but I can't concentrate when my favorite High School Basketball team is playing in the championship game of the big tournament my hometown hosts each January!!
But on to my thoughts about the munchkins, and our week.
Just a week ago, I was worried about the way I portray my motherly attitude to my children after finding out how I portrayed it to near strangers. It was a heartbreaking for me to hear what I did, but I tried to grow from it.
And I feel somewhat accomplished this week.
Last Sunday, D & I met someone new at church. We spoke for a little while, we emailed a few times & this person unknowingly made me feel on top of the world.
This new stranger commented on the maturity of my child(ren), how great some of the specific things we were doing with them were for them and most importantly to me...the one thing that stuck with me all week long.... was when this person told me that I don't give myself enough credit for how great my children are turning out to be.
Now, I know my children really are 5 of the best behaved, intelligent, God-loving kids around but I never realized how much of an influence I play on that. Yes, I am the mother. But that's it...I am the mother. The one they roll their eyes at, the one they will soon enough be embarrassed to hug when I drop them off with their friends. They spend much of their time with their father (not D), their teachers, bus drivers, church staff & volunteers and friends. I have generally credited those people to the positives my children show in life.
I realize not only are there some things that I do right even when it comes out wrong, but that I can keep on doing it right, even when things look down again (as they will with the cycle that is life).
Tomorrow, I get to baptize my oldest son. I get to share a bond with him that so many parents don't get the opportunity to. I am honored and excited and scared. A new higher standard is being set for me to live by as I guide him thru these next several years.
But on to my thoughts about the munchkins, and our week.
Just a week ago, I was worried about the way I portray my motherly attitude to my children after finding out how I portrayed it to near strangers. It was a heartbreaking for me to hear what I did, but I tried to grow from it.
And I feel somewhat accomplished this week.
Last Sunday, D & I met someone new at church. We spoke for a little while, we emailed a few times & this person unknowingly made me feel on top of the world.
This new stranger commented on the maturity of my child(ren), how great some of the specific things we were doing with them were for them and most importantly to me...the one thing that stuck with me all week long.... was when this person told me that I don't give myself enough credit for how great my children are turning out to be.
Now, I know my children really are 5 of the best behaved, intelligent, God-loving kids around but I never realized how much of an influence I play on that. Yes, I am the mother. But that's it...I am the mother. The one they roll their eyes at, the one they will soon enough be embarrassed to hug when I drop them off with their friends. They spend much of their time with their father (not D), their teachers, bus drivers, church staff & volunteers and friends. I have generally credited those people to the positives my children show in life.
I realize not only are there some things that I do right even when it comes out wrong, but that I can keep on doing it right, even when things look down again (as they will with the cycle that is life).
Tomorrow, I get to baptize my oldest son. I get to share a bond with him that so many parents don't get the opportunity to. I am honored and excited and scared. A new higher standard is being set for me to live by as I guide him thru these next several years.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Extra body parts
What is the purpose of having body parts that you can easily live without?! (rhetorical question)
Tonsils, appendix....even the gallbladder
I quite frankly wish they didn't exist. At least that's how I am feeling this morning in my pre-coffee grumpiness.
Two weeks from tomorrow my own tonsils are being removed. On a Friday. On a weekend that I should be enjoying time with all of my kids.
I am scared. The horror stories I keep hearing about adults getting them removed is starting to wear on me. I'm considering backing out.
Please keep us in your prayers as this day comes up, that things go smoothly, that recovery is easy, that the children get fed & bathed somehow while I am hopped up on pain meds (haha. I'm totally serious about that part tho!)
I wish I had the high pain tolerance my Monster had when his came out last summer. *sigh* I am feeling like such a wimp already & it hasn't even happened.
Tonsils, appendix....even the gallbladder
I quite frankly wish they didn't exist. At least that's how I am feeling this morning in my pre-coffee grumpiness.
Two weeks from tomorrow my own tonsils are being removed. On a Friday. On a weekend that I should be enjoying time with all of my kids.
I am scared. The horror stories I keep hearing about adults getting them removed is starting to wear on me. I'm considering backing out.
Please keep us in your prayers as this day comes up, that things go smoothly, that recovery is easy, that the children get fed & bathed somehow while I am hopped up on pain meds (haha. I'm totally serious about that part tho!)
I wish I had the high pain tolerance my Monster had when his came out last summer. *sigh* I am feeling like such a wimp already & it hasn't even happened.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Attitude Change
I haven't really had time to sit down & blog....and technically I should be working on homework right now, but I shared on FaceBook with a friend some of the changes I've been working on & how they came about & I think it's just as good a time as any to transfer the ideas to the blog world.
Someone told me two Sundays ago (in paraphrasing because I don't remember their exact comment) that I was portraying the attitude that I don't like to be at home with my kids & I am always looking forward to that next break I get from them.
When they said it, my heart sank. I seriously had to do all I could to keep composure (while I really wanted to drop to the floor & start bawling). They did not say it maliciously and they only see us for a couple of hours, on Sundays, at church, in classes we are currently taking. (Classes in which the kids are often topic of discussion.)
My kids are my life line. I would do anything for them to help them achieve their goals. They are what gets me out of bed most days. They are absolutely 5 of the most amazingly smart, well behaved, respectful children you could ever encounter (2 year old tantrums don't count in that behavior comment. lol)
I pushed what was said to me to the back of my mind, and smiled my way thru the next class. My 8 year old started asking questions in the car on the way home, and I got the chance to witness to him & he asked to take the steps to become baptized. When he made that decision, riding in the car with us, that earlier made comment crept its way back up to my thoughts. How could anyone imply that I don't put my kids as my everything?!
When we got home & everyone settled down, I was able to pull out the study bible & read some verses over. It wasn't the parenting verses that caught my attention, but it was James 1:19
Someone told me two Sundays ago (in paraphrasing because I don't remember their exact comment) that I was portraying the attitude that I don't like to be at home with my kids & I am always looking forward to that next break I get from them.
When they said it, my heart sank. I seriously had to do all I could to keep composure (while I really wanted to drop to the floor & start bawling). They did not say it maliciously and they only see us for a couple of hours, on Sundays, at church, in classes we are currently taking. (Classes in which the kids are often topic of discussion.)
My kids are my life line. I would do anything for them to help them achieve their goals. They are what gets me out of bed most days. They are absolutely 5 of the most amazingly smart, well behaved, respectful children you could ever encounter (2 year old tantrums don't count in that behavior comment. lol)
I pushed what was said to me to the back of my mind, and smiled my way thru the next class. My 8 year old started asking questions in the car on the way home, and I got the chance to witness to him & he asked to take the steps to become baptized. When he made that decision, riding in the car with us, that earlier made comment crept its way back up to my thoughts. How could anyone imply that I don't put my kids as my everything?!
When we got home & everyone settled down, I was able to pull out the study bible & read some verses over. It wasn't the parenting verses that caught my attention, but it was James 1:19
James 1:19
New International Version (NIV)
Listening and Doing
19 My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry
And then I realized, the past few weeks Monster has been tantruming & whiney. CoCo has been the same & fighting for my attention when Monster has it. The bigger kids have been reacting to my reactions and grouchy as all get out.
I was doing quite the opposite of what these verses command of us. I was holding too high of expectations for the littles, simply because I knew they were capable of doing more things, and becoming aggravated easily when their agenda became being a normal kid, instead of letting me clean house. And the cycle boiled over into time with the big kids as well.
I didn't like that someone we look up to had made that comment on that Sunday at church & I realized my kids were getting that same perception of my attitude as well.
Over the last week and a half, I have made it a priority to back things up, to remember what ages my children are & to allow them to be those ages. I have held my littles more (they get held a lot anyways, lol, but definitely more now), I have been on the floor active in their singing of silly songs, and playing alongside them with toys they normally do independently. We have watched movies while cuddling on the couch. They have just gotten the chance to enjoy being toddlers again.
And with the big kids, I have given them some more freedom with their responsibilities, I have been playing their board games with them instead of convincing them to do it together while I do dishes. They are getting to speak up more & their opinions are taken into considerations & most importantly, I am going out of my way to give them each their own time with me, doing what they want to.
Last night, for the first time in a few months, I was able to text D-man at bedtime & say how amazing our kids are. They were so well behaved, did their homework, played together & spent time with me. Dinner was easy (and my 8 year old cooked it mostly himself!) and we were able to enjoy a dessert. Bedtime wasn't a struggle. Even the littles went straight to sleep.
My focus on an attitude change has positively affected all of the kids.
I encourage all of my friends, who are ever struggling with the munchkins to take a step back & make sure we aren't putting our agenda before theirs :-)
P.S. I was SURE that giving the kids the extra attention/time that was normally spent on housework would make my house suffer & my homework not get done. But in an odd way, both have still gotten accomplished, and the house is actually even better than before!!
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
A day of vast Change
Sunday was an interesting day for me. And after a few days to reflect, I am still not sure how I can put it into words.
It was inwardly emotional. A pure roller coaster ride. But it was God's purpose, and it has abounded in blessings.
I'm going to try over the next few days to break it up & share the testimony of it & hope that it makes sense once it's written.
For now I can say that in that one single day, I felt a change in myself. A change that has been better for myself, my kids, and my husband. A change that is small yet largely impacting.
I for the first time in years, feel at peace over many situations that have burdened me recently & were a large weight to bare.
I am really excited to share it.....and I hope that by doing so, it will help some of my friends with the struggles they are facing as well.
Much love to you all <3
It was inwardly emotional. A pure roller coaster ride. But it was God's purpose, and it has abounded in blessings.
I'm going to try over the next few days to break it up & share the testimony of it & hope that it makes sense once it's written.
For now I can say that in that one single day, I felt a change in myself. A change that has been better for myself, my kids, and my husband. A change that is small yet largely impacting.
I for the first time in years, feel at peace over many situations that have burdened me recently & were a large weight to bare.
I am really excited to share it.....and I hope that by doing so, it will help some of my friends with the struggles they are facing as well.
Much love to you all <3
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Homework Avoidance.
I am quickly becoming a Pro at avoiding my homework & classes just started yesterday :/
I've been mingling on come online Christian forums & groups amongst other forums and have come to the conclusion that I have a lot to say & need a better platform to say it.
And so this blog may transform some to become that outlet.
I am ready to share some of my past that I keep hidden, some of the more recent that we just haven't shared and the current as well.
Real issues, Real Emotions, Real life. ... Some of the things that get thrown into the darkness & not let out.
Now, if only I could start today....but I have homework to do & littles who won't nap!
P.S. More format changes on the blog to come. I just realized what some of the gadgets I can add do and how they can help both me & you :-)
I've been mingling on come online Christian forums & groups amongst other forums and have come to the conclusion that I have a lot to say & need a better platform to say it.
And so this blog may transform some to become that outlet.
I am ready to share some of my past that I keep hidden, some of the more recent that we just haven't shared and the current as well.
Real issues, Real Emotions, Real life. ... Some of the things that get thrown into the darkness & not let out.
Now, if only I could start today....but I have homework to do & littles who won't nap!
P.S. More format changes on the blog to come. I just realized what some of the gadgets I can add do and how they can help both me & you :-)
Monday, January 14, 2013
Monster's Eczema
+I was just sharing our uses with someone on FB of the doTERRA essential oils that we LOVE.
I figured it's easiest to put my before & after picture of Monster on here & share it.
I am more than glad to help anyone who has questions about the oils, or doTERRA or what oils you should use for various ailments (with my handy dandy science filled Modern Essentials book!)
I blend together a few of the doTERRA oils with fractionated coconut oil in a small spray bottle and spray it on him occasionally. I did it much more at first, but now I only do it every other day or so (as I remember lol)
Those pictures were in November. This next one was just recently.
I figured it's easiest to put my before & after picture of Monster on here & share it.
I am more than glad to help anyone who has questions about the oils, or doTERRA or what oils you should use for various ailments (with my handy dandy science filled Modern Essentials book!)
I blend together a few of the doTERRA oils with fractionated coconut oil in a small spray bottle and spray it on him occasionally. I did it much more at first, but now I only do it every other day or so (as I remember lol)
Those pictures were in November. This next one was just recently.
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Smile thru the rough stuff
geesh, I not only burned part of lunch while doing the last blog post, but I also burnt my hand. My fingers actually....typing i shard.
I couldn't not post tho because I hadn't shared the most important thing I wanted to share.
We (D-man, and I) started a class at church today. A class to learn about the foundation & mission of our church. We were given a NIV Study Bible and after the class I was talking to one of the staff members about my 8 year old son asking about a bible of his own & she had us take one for him as well.
We gave it to him as soon as he got out of his class & he was ecstatic!
Talking on the way home, he asked us if we saw the people who were put in the water today in service. I tol dhim no, we had attended a class instead (btw, we had baptisms AND a marriage during service today! Amazing!) but we went on to talk about what baptism meant for us & he made the choice to follow the ABC's of salvation & we are waiting to hear back from the pastor about baptism.
I expect the others will follow suite soon. I have felt they were on the verge for a little while but I vowed not to push too hard as I wanted it to be their own choice.
I am one happy mom today!!! :-)
The ABCs of salvation....I picked up from a VBS years ago.
A - admit that you are a sinner
B - Believe that Jesus Christ is God's son (and gave his life for us)
C - Commit to living for God
I couldn't not post tho because I hadn't shared the most important thing I wanted to share.
We (D-man, and I) started a class at church today. A class to learn about the foundation & mission of our church. We were given a NIV Study Bible and after the class I was talking to one of the staff members about my 8 year old son asking about a bible of his own & she had us take one for him as well.
We gave it to him as soon as he got out of his class & he was ecstatic!
Talking on the way home, he asked us if we saw the people who were put in the water today in service. I tol dhim no, we had attended a class instead (btw, we had baptisms AND a marriage during service today! Amazing!) but we went on to talk about what baptism meant for us & he made the choice to follow the ABC's of salvation & we are waiting to hear back from the pastor about baptism.
I expect the others will follow suite soon. I have felt they were on the verge for a little while but I vowed not to push too hard as I wanted it to be their own choice.
I am one happy mom today!!! :-)
The ABCs of salvation....I picked up from a VBS years ago.
A - admit that you are a sinner
B - Believe that Jesus Christ is God's son (and gave his life for us)
C - Commit to living for God
Lacking the creativity for a catchy title...
I'm tired ;-)
And catching up.
We went & picked up our baby Bella from the trainer's Monday. She was there for a month, and she is a completely different doggie. I don't know that I have ever seen a 7 month old lab so calm. Complete opposite of the beginning of December!!
So the beginning of picture catch up. Pic #7 is technically from last summer, the day we picked up Bella & brought her home (Very end of July) . Pic #8 is last Monday.
The next two pics... #9 is Monster's leg as of this week...A-Freaking-Mazing. If you have never seen how horrible his eczema was before, have no fear (you could look back thru the old posts & see pics of his red scaly face....or give me a week or two & I'll do a better doTERRA write up) #10 is the diffuser & the awesomeness that has kept my family healthy thru winter thus far. (A huge accomplishment given the Monster's medical stuff!!)
Lunch is burning....finish later.
And catching up.
We went & picked up our baby Bella from the trainer's Monday. She was there for a month, and she is a completely different doggie. I don't know that I have ever seen a 7 month old lab so calm. Complete opposite of the beginning of December!!
So the beginning of picture catch up. Pic #7 is technically from last summer, the day we picked up Bella & brought her home (Very end of July) . Pic #8 is last Monday.
The next two pics... #9 is Monster's leg as of this week...A-Freaking-Mazing. If you have never seen how horrible his eczema was before, have no fear (you could look back thru the old posts & see pics of his red scaly face....or give me a week or two & I'll do a better doTERRA write up) #10 is the diffuser & the awesomeness that has kept my family healthy thru winter thus far. (A huge accomplishment given the Monster's medical stuff!!)
Lunch is burning....finish later.
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Catching Up
Falling behind. I told myself I would disconnect more from technology & I haven't had my computer on enough to get pictures over & write out a blog!
Last week, we started reading the bible before bedtime with the kids. I found a family bible reading plan online & we used it the first day. The big kids had the days of creation figured out from that & the second night when we finished our 20 or so verses, they begged to keep going. Then they begged for more the next night & the next.
At the rate they have me reading to them, we will have the bible done way before the year is over!
But bragging on them wasn't what my purpose in sharing that was.
We have only been reading in Genesis. Started with the Creation, Adam & Eve, Cain & Abel, Noah & the Ark..
The children were awestruck by some of the details they were getting to the general stories we all have grown up hearing. And honestly, I'm rather awestruck too. The magnitude of encountering a serpent & committing the first sin, of killing one's own brother & of building a giant ark when you are SIX HUNDRED years old then loading it all full of animals with their mates, and enough food for them & yourself & your family to live off of for months & months. 600 years old!! I feel like I barely make it thru the day sometimes & I am only 28 & not at all doing that much hard labor!
Not only am I amazed by the scripture we have read, I am amazed at how God has brought it about over & over again the last few weeks in other aspects of life. I hear some of the verses on the radio, I read reference to them online & in discussion with other Christian moms. And I sat thru service today & realized that I had a much better understanding of the sermon that used these people's names to teach.
It reminds me of how important it is to be reading scripture & I'm glad we have started again.
Now, picture make up. #4, #5 & #6.
CarCar doesn't often let me take his picture. But he has asked lately that I do, so I'll start with him ;-)
He was playing cards with Princess P & the faces he makes to her are hilarious!
Stitch, our bipolar kitty......
And precious sleeping peaceful babes.
Last week, we started reading the bible before bedtime with the kids. I found a family bible reading plan online & we used it the first day. The big kids had the days of creation figured out from that & the second night when we finished our 20 or so verses, they begged to keep going. Then they begged for more the next night & the next.
At the rate they have me reading to them, we will have the bible done way before the year is over!
But bragging on them wasn't what my purpose in sharing that was.
We have only been reading in Genesis. Started with the Creation, Adam & Eve, Cain & Abel, Noah & the Ark..
The children were awestruck by some of the details they were getting to the general stories we all have grown up hearing. And honestly, I'm rather awestruck too. The magnitude of encountering a serpent & committing the first sin, of killing one's own brother & of building a giant ark when you are SIX HUNDRED years old then loading it all full of animals with their mates, and enough food for them & yourself & your family to live off of for months & months. 600 years old!! I feel like I barely make it thru the day sometimes & I am only 28 & not at all doing that much hard labor!
Not only am I amazed by the scripture we have read, I am amazed at how God has brought it about over & over again the last few weeks in other aspects of life. I hear some of the verses on the radio, I read reference to them online & in discussion with other Christian moms. And I sat thru service today & realized that I had a much better understanding of the sermon that used these people's names to teach.
It reminds me of how important it is to be reading scripture & I'm glad we have started again.
Now, picture make up. #4, #5 & #6.
CarCar doesn't often let me take his picture. But he has asked lately that I do, so I'll start with him ;-)
He was playing cards with Princess P & the faces he makes to her are hilarious!
Stitch, our bipolar kitty......
And precious sleeping peaceful babes.
Friday, January 4, 2013
Water drops & Kind Hearts (and quieting the snores)
Last night on the way home from karate, we drove past a wreck on a main road. I heard my 8 year old, Nay-nen, say that there was a little girl he could see & he hoped she was buckled in because he wouldn't want her to be hurting. He melts my heart several times a day as he speaks like that, with genuine care for everyone.
When we got home, we did dinner, baths, family bible reading, all the normal. But in there we decided to take this picture, but it may not be clear about what we were capturing, as it was with the cell phone & a 1 year old on the move. CoCo had a water drop on his eyelashes. His super long, beautiful (I'm so jealous!) eyelashes. Just one drop hanging there off of them.
And as for doTERRA. I'm out of Breathe. So Dustin got a healthy dose of Peppermint smeared on him when he started snoring & I couldn't sleep from 3 rooms away! Worked amazingly well (well, it did at least long enough for me to fall asleep!)
When we got home, we did dinner, baths, family bible reading, all the normal. But in there we decided to take this picture, but it may not be clear about what we were capturing, as it was with the cell phone & a 1 year old on the move. CoCo had a water drop on his eyelashes. His super long, beautiful (I'm so jealous!) eyelashes. Just one drop hanging there off of them.
And as for doTERRA. I'm out of Breathe. So Dustin got a healthy dose of Peppermint smeared on him when he started snoring & I couldn't sleep from 3 rooms away! Worked amazingly well (well, it did at least long enough for me to fall asleep!)
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Day 2.
Hey look, so far I've stayed caught up! ;-)
Spent the day at home with my baby boy. No other children, just CoCo Bean.
It was Amazing.
We played a lot of Peek A Boo.
And we, err umm that should be I used the doTERRA Slim & Sassy oil blend to make a "weightloss wrap". (Took pictures for that, but not daring to show them to you here, not today anyways. Maybe just maybe when it's made me skinny again, I will)
Used the following recipe (but I didn't bother to measure)
1 tsp FCO
10 drops of S&S
10 drops of S&S
Apply & wrap with saran wrap.
I'll be doing it daily for a week on my core area. I'm already excited to compare before & after pics & then keep on going with it!!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Chubby Snowmen & Digestzen
This is a 2 part blog post :-)
Part 1:
Anyone remember the song they taught in preschool (or maybe your children are singing it now)?
"A chubby little snowman
Had a carrot nose.
Along came a rabbit
And what do you suppose?
That hungry little bunny,
Looking for his lunch,
Ate the snowman’s carrot nose…….
Nibble, nibble, CRUNCH!"
This is our Chubby Snowman....although the picture doesn't show the crazy fat belly CarCar managed to add once it was built. And this is also pic one of our 365 picture project, unedited because I'm tired & lazy ;-)
Part 2:
Trying to document our uses of the doTERRA essential oils & products. So far they are a daily need in our house, for each of us.
The flu bug or some relative of it has been going around here lately. Last week my son stayed home from school with grandma because his tummy didn't feel well. He got to my house & I gave him a drop of Digestzen. He rubbed on his tummy & was good as gold.
P-willy didn't feel well 2 days later. One drop of Digestzen, rubbed on her tummy & bellyaches gone...in just seconds.
I had been eating/drinking well the last week or so, but last night we went over to a friend's and I consumed junk. Lots of junk. Went to bed at 10:30 pm (hey I still have kids to wake up early with! lol) and was up feeling icky at 2:30. One single stinking drop of Digestzen & I was feeling better, in less than 10 seconds. I knew my kids loved this stuff, but I wasn't entirely sold on it until now.
Digestzen isn't just for tummy troubles, but can be used on the chest to clear up congestion, or on the bridge of the nose during sinus troubles. Definitely worth the investment.
Part 1:
Anyone remember the song they taught in preschool (or maybe your children are singing it now)?
"A chubby little snowman
Had a carrot nose.
Along came a rabbit
And what do you suppose?
That hungry little bunny,
Looking for his lunch,
Ate the snowman’s carrot nose…….
Nibble, nibble, CRUNCH!"
This is our Chubby Snowman....although the picture doesn't show the crazy fat belly CarCar managed to add once it was built. And this is also pic one of our 365 picture project, unedited because I'm tired & lazy ;-)
Part 2:
Trying to document our uses of the doTERRA essential oils & products. So far they are a daily need in our house, for each of us.
The flu bug or some relative of it has been going around here lately. Last week my son stayed home from school with grandma because his tummy didn't feel well. He got to my house & I gave him a drop of Digestzen. He rubbed on his tummy & was good as gold.
P-willy didn't feel well 2 days later. One drop of Digestzen, rubbed on her tummy & bellyaches gone...in just seconds.
I had been eating/drinking well the last week or so, but last night we went over to a friend's and I consumed junk. Lots of junk. Went to bed at 10:30 pm (hey I still have kids to wake up early with! lol) and was up feeling icky at 2:30. One single stinking drop of Digestzen & I was feeling better, in less than 10 seconds. I knew my kids loved this stuff, but I wasn't entirely sold on it until now.
Digestzen isn't just for tummy troubles, but can be used on the chest to clear up congestion, or on the bridge of the nose during sinus troubles. Definitely worth the investment.
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