Just as we are evidence there is a God....
I "stole" this story from a friend on an internet forum, but it's been spread around the online world for awhile. It's good for illustrative purposes on discussing why the bible makes far more sense than the theory of evolution does.
"Let's say you are walking in the forest and you come upon a tree stump. On this stump you see a pocket watch, which still works. There isn't anybody else around and you can tell there hasn't been anyone else around in a long while. The pocket watch is just sitting there. What would your natural first assumption be? Obviosly that someone left it there. Right? You wouldn't assume it just 'appeared there'. For if there is a watch, clearly there is a watch maker. Somebody has to have made that watch, which got left behind.
So what are the chances that all the parts of the watch just randomly fell from the sky and over time made their way up the tree stump and assembled themselves. It doesn't make sense right? These pieces are not alive and it is such an intricate design. You would never logically think that the watch made itself, that a smart monkey found all the pieces and assembled it, that magic made it, or that the pieces randomly were able to create the watch itself (sort of like the belief of evolution).
So, you know that there is a watch maker, even though you can't see him. The watch itself is evidence that there is a watch maker."