I've come to realize that quitting a job I loved, for an agency that I loved working for was really the only option for us.
The husband is working 300 miles away. And the number of appointments for our children are adding up quickly.
Monster has been going to Indianapolis for the dermatologist, monthly at the moment. And he has an allergist appointment in STL coming up. His daily life is exhausting as it is, special diets & skin care routines that are supposed to be done 3-4 times a day.
The baby had his 4 month checkup a couple weeks ago. We knew he was having problems with his tight muscles in his back & neck. He still refluxes alot, and he has been labeled as colicky (although I don't buy the colic diagnosis....I don't think babies would cry like that for no reason!). At his 4 month appt they decided to send us on to physical therapy. We started just a few days later.
Less than 15 minutes into the physical therapy appointment & they were suggesting what I was ignoring asking about. They decided it was inportant for an immediate referral to the cranialfacial surgeon office @ the Children's hospital to check on the formation of his head because of the muscle tightness. Basically if you look at his head from the back, one side has formed normally and the other has formed um, differently? because it's been held in a funny position since he's been born.
WOW. I started typing this post on 3/27/11 and life has drug me away from being online long enough to ever finish!
Ok so here's our updates....
The hubs is still a million miles away & only with us 1 1/2 days a week :( boo :(
The baby goes this week to be fit for his helmet.
Monster scared the buhjeezus outta me last week when he had an anaphylactic reaction to something. I had to use the epi pen & call 911. Hearing so many people say out loud "life threatening reaction" about your 1 year old will most definitely set your head spinning for days. He's better, grouchy from the meds he's on, but healthy.
The big kids are crazy busy. Moving up in ranks in karate, preparing for dance recitals & there's less than a month of school left! EEEEK! I'm so ready for summer break!
Ok, no pretty pictures of food tonight. I'm going to go make some chocolate chip cookie dough & eat it from the bowl while watching girly TV.